Prof: | Sayan Mukherjee | | Zoom me: T/W/Th 1-3pm | | ||
TAs: | tr>Ian Hill | | OH: Thursday 11:00-13:00 Old Chemistry 203B | |||
Rui Wang | | OH: Friday 15:00-17:00 3431 CIEMAS. | ||||
Pengyu Cheng | | OH: | ||||
Yuren Zhou | | OH: | ||||
Zheng Yuan | | OH: | ||||
Yiwei Gong | | OH: | ||||
Class: |
Statistics at the level of STA611 (Introduction to Statistical Methods) is encouraged, along with knowledge of linear algebra and multivariate calculus.
First of all be safe and take care of yourselves physically and mentally. Second all classes at Duke are now S/U. I am going to be very lenient in terms of giving an S. Also, there will be no required take home final. I will post one and students can submit solutions but it is not required.
For those of you who want a letter (A,B,C...) grade the final is required and your grde will be based on 30% midterm, 60% final, 10% final project. If you want to get a letter grade you need to opt in.
What I will do: I am going to teach the rest of the semester as asychronosly as I can. What I mean by that is that I WILL NOT live stream my lectures during class time (10:05-11:20). I will record lectures by zoom and upload a link to the class website. The first lecture will be up Tuesday March, 24. My default is to have my zoom room hangout open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1-3:30pm. Some days I may not be there for part of the time because of other committments. Also, please email me if there is some other time you want to meet and I will try and accomodate.
What the TAs will do: They will have office hours which I will post the beginning of next week. Each week a TA will send me a lab handout and a recorded zoom lab description each week which I will post.
The final project: There will be no poster session. All students are encouraged to do a final project but you don't have to do one to get an S. I suggest you do a final project and have it in a git directory, especially if you are an MS student looking for a job. If you have reluctance with making your final project public that is fine we don't need to. If you think that it is too much right now for you to do a final project, then tell me and that is also fine. I will post a zoom video discussing the projects Monday. Teams can be upto five people. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT GRADES. Try your best and work remotely as a team to help with distancing and some normalcy. The course project writeup should be about four pages due at the end of the semester. You are absolutely permitted to use your current rotation or research project as course projects. Examples of previous projects can be found at projects. The final projects should be in LaTeX. If you have never used LaTeX before, there are online tutorials, Mac GUIs, and even online compilers that might help you.
There is a Piazza course discussion page. Please direct questions about homeworks and other matters to that page. Otherwise, you can email the instructors (TAs and professor). Note that we are more likely to respond to the Piazza questions than to the email, and your classmates may respond too, so that is a good place to start.The programming assignments in this course can be done in any language but we will be doing simulations in PyTorch.
The course will follow my lecture notes (this will be updated as the course proceeds), Lecture Notes. Some other texts and notes that may be useful include:
The final project TeX template and final project style file should be used in preparation of your final project report. Please follow the instructions and let me know if you have questions.
This syllabus is tentative, and will almost surely be modified. Reload your browser for the current version.